92nd day: Burger with addictive potential! – Food comes first, than morals!

92nd day: Burger with addictive potential! – Food comes first, than morals!
I really didn’t like Burgers until my son took me to the right place: the Burgeramt in my neighborhood. The name is an ironical hint towards the Bürger Amt wich is a very important institucion you get to know very fast if you move to Germany. The Bürger Amt is responsible for your registration and almost every paper you need. The Bürger Amt knows where you are living and if your apartment is on the left or right side of the aisle, how many children you have and if you pay the taxes for your dog. The Burger Amt around the Corner just offers the most delicious Burger one can imagine! Don’t forget to order the french fries made of sweet potatoes!

(Burger Amt, Krossener Straße, Berlin Friedrichshain)