98th day: Santa Diversita!…

98th day: SANTA DIVERSITA! …
… Is part of the screen printing poster series on the topic “Modern Saints,” on which the artist duo Various & Gould has worked for 2 years. These “modern Saints” should raise awareness for social problems, such as migration, change of work conditions, exclusion and (sexual) identity. The artists asked themselves, for which of the today acute problems one could need new saint. After the terrible madness of Orlando we need holy “Santa Diversità” more than ever!

92nd day: Burger with addictive potential! – Food comes first, than morals!

92nd day: Burger with addictive potential! – Food comes first, than morals!
I really didn’t like Burgers until my son took me to the right place: the Burgeramt in my neighborhood. The name is an ironical hint towards the Bürger Amt wich is a very important institucion you get to know very fast if you move to Germany. The Bürger Amt is responsible for your registration and almost every paper you need. The Bürger Amt knows where you are living and if your apartment is on the left or right side of the aisle, how many children you have and if you pay the taxes for your dog. The Burger Amt around the Corner just offers the most delicious Burger one can imagine! Don’t forget to order the french fries made of sweet potatoes!

(Burger Amt, Krossener Straße, Berlin Friedrichshain)

62nd day: You are what you eat…

This man, who turns out to be a skeleton, by observing him carefully, is frying hamburgers, that originate a green vapor. The steam seems to be highly toxic, because the chef works with protective clothing including breathing and visual protective brand. A box on the right half of the painting has a unique signature, we all know. How often do we take insufficient time as an excuse for not preparing healthy food! It would almost go as fast to peel an onion, to fry it, to add a few tomatoes and peppers as to take the pizza out of the freezer, to remove all the plastic which covers it, to place it on a baking sheet and put it into the oven. Tomorrow is Sunday and there is no excuse: Healthy food here we come!!!

(Mainz – Kastell)

50th day: Longing to be a bird!


This is the 50th day of my 100 days of street art challenge. Many people asked me: why are you doing this? What does it have to do with making jewelry? Well: I wanted to do this for such a long time! Years ago, when I was still living in Mexico, I started to observe Street Art and to take photos of it. I love the way people try to embellish their environment or to make political statements in different ways. It is not only the big mural of the yet recognized artist that keeps my attention, but also the small stencil, which you can hardly notice! I learned a lot doing this, because I have to observe the city I live in very carefully. I like the daily routine: you only get better doing things again and again. There are 50 more days missing and I am sure that this exercise will be reflected in my work as a jeweler afterwards!

(Skalitzer Straße, Berlin Kreuzberg)

43rd. day: How many more?

43rd day: HOW MANY MORE?
It seems that the – so far – worst refugee disaster in the Mediterranean happened on 18th of April. Almost 900 people have drowned. As always, far too many people have been on a very small boat. I can’t imagine to be surrounded by so many people on such a small place, without feeling panic attacks. Even more unimaginable is the fear of the people and the uncertainty whether they ever arrive at their destination. How long will we still observe these disasters and talk about whether integration can work? At the moment it’s only survival that counts!

(RAW – Area, Berlin Friedrichshain)